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Aug 28


WordPress 5.5 Version Is Here. Things To Watch Out!

Fans of WordPress have a reason to celebrate with the recent release of popular PHP based Content Management System (Version 5.5). There are some major improvements the WordPress team has made into the latest release that makes it easier to manage a website. Project Gutenberg has contributed to a great editing experience with the latest 5.5 version. With the blocks, you can create awesome pages quickly. Each block is an independent space into which you can add additional components.


Things To Watch Out Before Migration

If you have an existing Website built with WordPress, please make sure that you take the latest backup before going for an upgrade to the newest version. Chances are that your plugins or theme may have issues with the new release. If something goes wrong, you should be able to revert to the old code. 

One of the major issues in the latest release is the lack of support for the jQuery Migrate library. Many themes and plugins depend on this library to avoid conflicts with jQuery versions. If you encounter such issues, contact the plugin theme developers for the latest release addressing those issues. It is a good idea to update all your plugins and themes to their latest version.

Overall, the 5.5 release will make WordPress one of the best Content Management Systems available in the market.